Bible Studies

Shine The Light Ministry

Join us every second Saturday of the month at 10:30 for a new ministry using postcards as a way to shine God's light and be an encouragement to others. If you would like to be a part of this ministry sign up or please see Robyn Toledo @505.670.9765 or Kelly Shutt.

Prison Ministry

Do you have a desire to serve the former and currently incarcerated population? The prison ministry offers opportunities to share the WORD of GOD and the LOVE of CHRIST with current inmates and ex-offenders. Areas of ministry include jail ministry, prison ministry, mentoring/aftercare, family ministry, children ministry and community development. In which, volunteers will have the opportunities to lead bible studies, offer discipleship and provide support for both the inmates/ex-offenders and their families.  

For more information please contact Debbie or Wes @505.603.0093 or Martha Ore @505.690.5716


Interested in being a Greeter? We are looking to create a greeting team to extend God's love and hospitality to all that attend service. Sign up is in the front lobby.

If you have questions email Marilyn Wightman at or speak to one of our current greeters.


Feed The Homeless

Please consider joining this ministry. We prepare and deliver food to the St. Elizabeth’s shelter on the last two Sundays of the month.

If you are interested, please speak to Jennifer or Lori @ 505.424.0878

Multimedia Ministry

Interested in being involved with multimedia? We are looking to create a team of people who want to volunteer to learn and help operate some of the multimedia associated with the Vineyard.

If you are interested, please email Matt & Holly Wyner at